Your Local Colorado Springs Auto Accident Lawyers

Only let a little time pass before filing a claim if you’ve been in a car accident in Colorado Springs. You have up to three years to file a claim, so get in touch with us so that we can build the most robust case possible on your behalf. We help victims of car accidents in Colorado Springs file insurance claims and pursue financial compensation through the legal system. We accept cases on a contingency basis, so you will only owe us something once we recover compensation for your injuries from the party at fault in a vehicle accident.

In Colorado Springs, car accidents are a primary source of serious injuries, especially along the I-25 corridor on Powers and Academy. Injuries sustained in a Auto Accident, especially to the spinal cord, brain, or neck, can have far-reaching financial, emotional, and practical consequences. Get the total compensation you deserve for your physical injuries by working with the car accident lawyers at Rector Stuzynski LLC. Our personal injury lawyers have experience fighting insurance companies and know how to get you the reimbursement you need and deserve. Call us today for a free consultation.

Why You Need An Attorney

Injuries sustained in car accidents are often severe and, in the worst circumstances, even deadly. Multiple specialists are needed to determine the full extent of the damage, who was at fault, and how much compensation should be awarded to the sufferer when such accidents occur. It would help if you had a skilled attorney to be compensated fairly and thoroughly after a Auto Accident. Otherwise, the insurance company will try to pay you as little as possible.

To ensure the best possible outcome for your case, Rector Stuzynski LLC, located in Colorado Springs, CO, will gather the facts, preserve the evidence in your favor, and consult with experts in finance, medicine, investigation, and reconstruction. The slightest mistake could completely derail your case in a car accident, so don’t take any chances; instead, contact our Colorado Springs office immediately for competent legal representation.

Common Causes Of Auto Accident

Every day, drivers across the front range commit accidents due to a wide variety of risky behaviors; here are some of the more typical ones:

Distracted Driving – others who pay little attention to the road because they are talking to a passenger, changing the music, eating, putting on makeup, etc, are a significant liability to themselves and others around them, especially with the current growth in mobile device usage.

Texting While Driving – There have been many significant injuries as a result of car accidents brought on by texting and driving among Colorado Springs motorists. Avoid sending or reading text messages while driving because doing so diverts your focus from the road.

Reckless Driving – Driving recklessly puts your life and the lives of those on the road in peril. Careless Driving, including speeding, swerving in and out of traffic, and other forms of reckless Driving, are not tolerated in Colorado Springs. Offers may face charges for reckless Driving and be held liable for any motor vehicle accidents they cause.

Driving While Intoxicated – Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a big issue that results in thousands of arrests and hundreds of incidents of tragic death annually. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs increases your risk of making mistakes and engaging in risky behavior.

Speeding – Many car accidents can be traced back to drivers going too fast for conditions or the posted speed limit, and the motorist who was speeding is usually held responsible.

Improper Use Of Intersections – It’s not uncommon for accidents to occur at intersections. Common causes include:

  • Making illegal turns (especially left turns).
  • Hitting pedestrians in crosswalks.
  • Failing to stop at a red light.
  • Speeding.

Since many motorists are still unfamiliar with roundabouts, they have recently been the scene of numerous incidents.

Drowsy Driving – Fatigued Driving, whether due to sleep deprivation or simply a long day at the office, has been the cause of countless tragedies. If you start to feel sleepy while driving, pull over immediately so that you may rest.

Defective Auto Parts – Inadequate functioning of your vehicle’s brakes, tires, electrical system, engine, or transmission can all lead to dangerous situations. In such cases, it is typical for the auto shop or manufacturer to shoulder the blame for the accident.

Bad Road Design – The municipality is typically held liable when accidents occur due to subpar municipal work, such as poor road design, subpar signs, subpar intersections, or subpar road markings.

Road Conditions – Any precipitation is The worst weather to drive in. Auto Accident rates spike considerably, and driving conditions become highly hazardous when snow falls in Colorado Springs. Driving in heavy rain is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to see.


What Are The Most Common Types Of Injuries To Handle?

Injuries sustained by those involved in automobile collisions can range from extremely serious to relatively mild, and in the worst circumstances, they can be fatal. Some of the most typical vehicle accident injuries are detailed here.

  1. Head injuries, concussions and brain injuries
  2. Spine, neck or back injuries
  3. Whiplash
  4. Knee, leg, foot and ankle injuries
  5. Internal injuries and bleeding
  6. Bone breaks and fractures
  7. Shoulder injuries
  8. Soft tissue injuries
  9. Loss of limbs
  10. Permanent disfigurement & scarring
  11. Catastrophic injuries
  12. Death

Here is What To Do After A Car Crash

Most situations involving minor Auto Accident that solely cause property damage can be resolved quickly and easily through insurance claims. However, when those involved in the collision were harmed, there are some critical procedures to follow right away to ensure you are able to get a comprehensive compensation package from the accountable party.

  • Inquire of all passengers about any injuries they may have sustained.
  • Get immediate medical help by dialing 911.
  • Photograph the whole accident scene, including the roadway, any damaged vehicles, skid marks, and anything else that may be relevant.
  • Please DO NOT make any statements of guilt to law enforcement, insurance representatives, other drivers, or their attorneys following a Auto Accident.
  • Collect the other drivers’ names, addresses, and insurance details.
  • Take note of the names and badge numbers of the police officers who are handling the accident investigation.
  • Collect the contact information (names and addresses) of any potential witnesses.
  • After an accident, you must visit a doctor for treatment and a thorough checkup in case you sustained any hidden injuries.
  • As soon as the report is made public by the police, get a copy of it.
  • If you’ve been in an automobile accident, don’t hesitate to call Rector Stuzynski LLC.

Here is How To Know If You Have A Valid Case

There are some necessary components for your vehicle accident claim to be approved. The first is a “Duty of Care,” which means the defendant must exercise reasonable caution to avoid endangering anyone nearby. This includes not driving dangerously or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The second component is proving that the defendant acted recklessly or illegally, breaching their duty and causing the incident. Common causes of accidents include drivers’ disregard for the law (e.g., speeding, running red lights, driving under the influence, failing to check mirrors before changing lanes, etc.) and the resulting damages (e.g., medical bills, lost wages, and property damage).

The next step is establishing causation or showing that the defendant’s actions caused the incident. To elaborate, let’s say the motorist t-boned your vehicle after running a red light. The collision would never have occurred if the defendant had just stopped at the red light. If the other driver had obeyed traffic laws and watched out for pedestrians, there would never have been an accident.

Finally, we come to compensation for losses. You wouldn’t be entitled to any prize if you didn’t suffer any losses due to the accident. You would not have a case if you were accidentally bumped into by a car in the drive-through but suffered no injuries or damage. However, you have a right to seek compensation if the collision was severe enough to destroy your vehicle, damage surrounding buildings, and injure you and your passengers many times.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Settlement? know here

Timelines for resolving your claim can vary significantly from one situation to the next. Let’s examine some variables that can extend or shorten the duration of the process.

The extent to which you have recovered from your injuries is crucial. Waiting until you are fully recovered is preferable to acquire an accurate assessment of your entire medical expenditures if you are still having medical treatment and rehabilitation for your injuries. If these treatments run for years, then we will work on a reasonable valuation of future therapies to be included. Still, we like to wait to settle until we know exact dollar estimates to ensure you aren’t left with unpaid medical costs.

The lawsuit being settled amicably or going to trial is another crucial aspect. It may take months of back-and-forth before a prosecution is finally resolved, and that’s to get the hearings started. If there is sufficient evidence to sustain an accident claim, it may usually be settled out of court quickly, but a trial can take years.

Compared to the ones we just mentioned, all the others are relatively insignificant. The time it takes to get responses from the defendant and their legal team or insurance provider, the length of time it takes to collect evidence, the reasons given by the insurance provider for delaying the claim, the availability of witnesses, the occurrence of unforeseen events, and so on are all examples of such variables. It’s wise to assume a more extended schedule and be grateful if it’s closed off earlier, but these elements will have a more minor impact than the significant factors discussed before.

How Long Do I Have To File A Claim After The Accident? get details

You have three years from the Auto Accident date to bring a personal injury claim to Colorado Springs. You may have an additional three years from the date you first observed the injury to file a claim if you don’t report it immediately.

If you’ve been injured, you have three years to file a claim, but you shouldn’t wait that long unless there’s a solid reason to. The longer you wait to file your claim, the more likely critical evidence may be lost. After three years, obtaining reliable witness testimony may be more challenging, as those involved in the incident may have fuzzy memories of what transpired.

Evidence could also be lost during that period, such as images or video if you lose your phone. Therefore, even if you intend to wait to file a claim or lawsuit, it is often a good idea to begin gathering evidence to present your case as soon as feasible. If you need to figure out when to file your claim, it’s a good idea to see an attorney who can examine the specifics of your case and give you advice.

Who Is Liable?

Colorado Springs is an “at-fault” state, meaning that the question of who is responsible for an auto accident depends on several circumstances. You can only sue if your share of the blame for the accident is less than 50%, and any settlement you receive will be prorated to account for your degree of guilt. The following are some criteria that can be used to establish who was at fault in an accident:

  • The police report of their study into the Auto Accident
  • Pictures of the cars that were involved, the crash scene, skid marks, and other information
  • Accounts from people who were there at the time of the accident

Accident reconstruction experts are called in to virtually re-create a crash and establish who was at fault when responsibility is in question.

Protect Yourself From Uninsured Drivers at any coast

Unfortunately, everyday life includes car accidents involving uninsured motorists. Due to the high insurance cost, some people risk driving without protection banking instead of their innate competence and good fortune.

Being involved in an accident with one of these drivers might be alarming. You may be thinking, “Who will pay my medical bills?” among other things. Who will help me get a car loan? Can I get compensation for time out of the workforce?

Although ‘uninsured motorist’ coverage is not mandated by the city of Colorado Springs, it is highly recommended. Every day, people drive recklessly and without insurance, putting accident victims in a difficult position.

When an uninsured driver is involved in an Auto Accident with you and your passengers, your insurance company will “step into the shoes” of the at-fault driver and determine whether or not you are entitled to compensation for the same damages that you would have received from the at-fault party’s insurance policy had they been insured.

You and your loved ones, as well as other passengers, can relax knowing you’re covered. You can get your life back on track with the help of this insurance after suffering losses.

What Type Of Damages Can You Claim? get the details

At Rector Stuzynski LLC, we give every client an exhaustive study of their vehicle accident case and a carefully crafted lawsuit supported by facts. Sometimes, we can reach a fair settlement out of court without filing a lawsuit. Still, if we can’t, our skilled trial lawyers will fight the at-fault person and their insurance company to ensure you receive total compensation for your losses and suffering.

In the event of an accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for various damages, including economic, non-economic, and even punitive damages.

  • Economic damages include monetary losses such as those incurred for medical care, lost wages, property repairs, diminished capacity to earn, and other such events.
  • Personal losses that can’t be quantified in monetary terms include things like pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, mental agony, emotional stress, and other intangibles.
  • Punitive damages are awarded where the guilty party’s actions were particularly egregious or reckless and deter others from engaging in similar behavior.

How Should I Handle A Rear End Auto Accident in Bad Situations?

A rear-end collision occurs when one vehicle rear-ends another. Distracted drivers who fail to maintain a safe following distance often cause these incidents because they are preoccupied with something or someone inside the car or their mobile devices.

In most circumstances, the negligent party in a rear-end collision is the vehicle’s driver, struck from behind. Rear-end crashes may seem trivial, but they can cause catastrophic injuries to the spine that can have lasting effects. So, after reporting the incident to the authorities and your insurance company, your next call should be to a Colorado Springs rear-end accident attorney.

Rear-end collisions are hazardous since the vehicle’s driver typically has little warning that one is about to happen. Because the driver’s head can be twisted back and forth in these incidents, neck injuries, whiplash injuries, head injuries, and even concussions are all possible outcomes. If the driver’s head is turned at the moment of contact, the severity of these injuries can be amplified. Sometimes, symptoms appear immediately; other times, it may take a few days. Don’t ever assume you’re fine; even accidents at modest speeds can cause catastrophic harm. After a vehicle collision, it may take some time to feel the full extent of your injuries because adrenaline can dull pain sensations.

Seek medical attention if you or a loved one have suffered from headaches or pain in the neck or back after being involved in a rear-end collision. Without prompt medical attention, these wounds can become chronic and debilitating.

Here is What To Do After A Hit And Run?

The victim of a hit-and-run accident faces a difficult challenge, especially if the accident is severe. Suppose the person at fault for an accident runs away. In that case, the insurance company may be reluctant to pay for the victim’s medical bills and other damages until it is proven that the offender cannot be identified. Contacting a Colorado Springs hit-and-run accident attorney is crucial in such a situation.

There is always a motive for someone to flee the scene of an accident. Typically, we observe that these careless individuals leave the scene because they are intoxicated, uninsured, or potentially have a warrant out for their arrest in another case.

Call the police immediately if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident so that everyone involved may get their information and documentation in order. It would help if you noted the other driver’s description, the vehicle’s color, make, model, and other distinguishing features. You should get the names and contact information of anybody who saw the accident, as they might know more about the hit-and-run driver. The second most crucial step is visiting a doctor and checking yourself out.

You must report the incident to your insurance company. In the event of a hit-and-run accident, the uninsured motorist coverage on your policy will pay for any medical expenses you incur due to the incident. Third, speak with a lawyer who can guide you through this and who will work to maximize the compensation you receive.

Chain Reaction Auto Accident and others

Inclement weather tends to bring about an increase in the frequency of chain reaction accidents. However, determining fault when one accident causes several accidents and injuries can be challenging. As if that weren’t complicated enough, numerous people are usually at blame in chain-reaction incidents. Determining fault requires reference to the applicable traffic laws. Every motorist is responsible for maintaining a secure following distance from the car in front of them. This implies they must always have adequate stopping power, regardless of how slippery the roadways may be. Damage caused by a rear-end collision is often the at-fault driver’s responsibility. But if a driver is forced into another car, that’s a different story. This is where things become sticky in terms of liability.

Accidents that set off a domino effect are complicated when assigning blame. Adding insult to injury, it’s possible that you contributed to the accident in some way. An expert vehicle accident attorney in Colorado Springs can investigate the incident thoroughly to establish liability. Skid marks, witness statements, police reports, and car damage are just some types of evidence that will need to be analyzed by your attorney. An accident reconstructionist may be brought in if that becomes required.

What Is Your Claim Worth?

Every automobile or auto accident case is different, so we can only put a price on it if we go deep into the circumstances. However, most minor accident settlements are around $15,000 when there aren’t significant injuries. The sum increases significantly if serious injuries result in high medical costs, permanent disability, or other catastrophic outcomes. Suppose you were in an automobile accident caused by another careless driver and sustained neck and back injuries. Car replacement might cost tens of thousands of dollars, and that’s without even including the cost of medical care now and in the future.

Remember to factor in not only medical bills but also lost pay, mental distress, PTSD, permanent injuries, and pain and suffering when calculating a compensation figure. In most cases, a settlement won’t be made until all medical bills have been paid so that everyone involved knows how much money will be needed to cover everything.

Can I File An Insurance Claim Without A Police Report?

In a word, yes! Policyholders have the right to reimbursement even if you didn’t file a police report. However, in most cases, you should request a police report to have an objective record of the events. The insurance company’s investigation into who was at fault will be aided by the information provided by the police report.

It is also typical for victims of an accident to be so shocked that they may not initially recognize their injuries. It can take days or weeks for the victim of a car accident to realize they’ve been hurt because of symptoms like whiplash, neck discomfort, and back pain. The sooner you seek medical attention after experiencing an injury, the less likely the responsible party will try to shift blame. If you have issues about what to do after suffering injuries, you should speak with an attorney as quickly as possible.

How Can I Pay For Medical Bills ?

You may be concerned about how you will pay for your medical costs before you receive your settlement, as most cases can only be finalized once all medical treatments have been conducted to ensure correct settlement payments. Many auto insurance policies include medical payment coverage, so we’ll check there first to see if you’re covered in the event of an accident. If you do not have this coverage, we will investigate whether or not your health insurance will pay the costs.

Suppose your accident-related medical expenses are not covered by insurance. In that case, we will negotiate a “medical lien” with your treating doctors and hospitals so that you can pay them off over time. They will provide care without demanding money up front, instead waiting to be reimbursed from the settlement. You can be assured that our lawyers will fight for your rights and assist you in every way necessary so that you may go back to normal as soon as possible.

How Much Do Lawyers Charge?

At Rector Stuzynski LLC, we only get paid by those who have hired us to represent them in a vehicle accident lawsuit. So if we don’t win, you don’t pay. Our legal office has faith in securing a favorable settlement for its client because we know that its car accident attorneys will present a compelling case supported by substantial evidence. Working with us on your vehicle accident claim won’t cost you a dime upfront since our fees are deducted as a predetermined percentage of the money we win for you in the settlement.

Contact Our Law Firm For Help

When you hire Rector Stuzynski LLC, a top Colorado Springs Auto Accident lawyer, you’ll work with attorneys with decades of combined experience in personal injury law and traffic law. We take care of everything from gathering evidence to interviewing witnesses and employing accident recreation teams to present a solid case supported by proof and negotiate reasonable compensation on your behalf. Our law firm has successfully represented clients in hundreds of auto accident cases throughout Colorado, primarily focusing on the greater Colorado Springs area. If you’ve been in a car accident in Colorado Springs, call us immediately for a free consultation, and we’ll be pleased to provide you with the legal representation you need.


Only let a little time pass before filing a claim if you’ve been in a car accident in Colorado Springs. You have up to three years to file a claim, so get in touch with us so that we can build the most robust case possible on your behalf. We help victims of car accidents in Colorado Springs file insurance claims and pursue financial compensation through the legal system. We accept cases on a contingency basis, so you will only owe us something once we recover compensation for your injuries from the party at fault in a vehicle accident. In Colorado Springs, car accidents are a primary source of serious injuries, especially along the I-25 corridor on Powers and Academy. Injuries sustained in a Auto Accident, especially to the spinal cord, brain, or neck, can have far-reaching financial, emotional, and practical consequences. Get the total compensation you deserve for your physical injuries by working with the car accident lawyers at Rector Stuzynski LLC. Our personal injury lawyers have experience fighting insurance companies and know how to get you the reimbursement you need and deserve. Call us today for a free consultation. Why You Need An Attorney Injuries sustained in car accidents are often severe and, in the worst circumstances, even deadly. Multiple specialists are needed to determine the full extent of the damage, who was at fault, and how much compensation should be awarded to the sufferer when such accidents occur. It would help if you had a skilled attorney to be compensated fairly and thoroughly after a Auto Accident. Otherwise, the insurance company will try to pay you as little as possible. To ensure the best possible outcome for your case, Rector Stuzynski LLC, located in Colorado Springs, CO, will gather the facts, preserve the evidence in your favor, and consult with experts in finance, medicine, investigation, and reconstruction. The slightest mistake could completely derail your case in a car accident, so don’t take any chances; instead, contact our Colorado Springs office immediately for competent legal representation. Common Causes Of Auto Accident Every day, drivers across the front range commit accidents due to a wide variety of risky behaviors; here are some of the more typical ones: Distracted Driving – others who pay little attention to the road because they are talking to a passenger, changing the music, eating, putting on makeup, etc, are a significant liability to themselves and others around them, especially with the current growth in mobile device usage. Texting While Driving – There have been many significant injuries as a result of car accidents brought on by texting and driving among Colorado Springs motorists. Avoid sending or reading text messages while driving because doing so diverts your focus from the road. Reckless Driving – Driving recklessly puts your life and the lives of those on the road in peril. Careless Driving, including speeding, swerving in and out of traffic, and other forms of reckless Driving, are not tolerated in Colorado Springs. Offers may face charges for reckless Driving and be held liable for any motor vehicle accidents they cause. Driving While Intoxicated – Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a big issue that results in thousands of arrests and hundreds of incidents of tragic death annually. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs increases your risk of making mistakes and engaging in risky behavior. Speeding – Many car accidents can be traced back to drivers going too fast for conditions or the posted speed limit, and the motorist who was speeding is usually held responsible. Improper Use Of Intersections – It’s not uncommon for accidents to occur at intersections. Common causes include: Since many motorists are still unfamiliar with roundabouts, they have recently been the scene of numerous incidents. Drowsy Driving – Fatigued Driving, whether due to sleep deprivation or simply a long day at the office, has been the cause of countless tragedies. If you start to feel sleepy while driving, pull over immediately so that you may rest. Defective Auto Parts – Inadequate functioning of your vehicle’s brakes, tires, electrical system, engine, or transmission can all lead to dangerous situations. In such cases, it is typical for the auto shop or manufacturer to shoulder the blame for the accident. Bad Road Design – The municipality is typically held liable when accidents occur due to subpar municipal work, such as poor road design, subpar signs, subpar intersections, or subpar road markings. Road Conditions – Any precipitation is The worst weather to drive in. Auto Accident rates spike considerably, and driving conditions become highly hazardous when snow falls in Colorado Springs. Driving in heavy rain is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to see. RELATED: What Are The Most Common Types Of Injuries To Handle? Injuries sustained by those involved in automobile collisions can range from extremely serious to relatively mild, and in the worst circumstances, they can be fatal. Some of the most typical vehicle accident injuries are detailed here. Here is What To Do After A Car Crash Most situations involving minor Auto Accident that solely cause property damage can be resolved quickly and easily through insurance claims. However, when those involved in the collision were harmed, there are some critical procedures to follow right away to ensure you are able to get a comprehensive compensation package from the accountable party. Here is How To Know If You Have A Valid Case There are some necessary components for your vehicle accident claim to be approved. The first is a “Duty of Care,” which means the defendant must exercise reasonable caution to avoid endangering anyone nearby. This includes not driving dangerously or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The second component is proving that the defendant acted recklessly or illegally, breaching their duty and causing the incident. Common causes of accidents include drivers’ disregard for the law (e.g., speeding, running red lights, driving under the influence, failing to check mirrors before changing lanes, etc.) and the resulting damages (e.g., medical bills, lost wages, and property damage). The next … Read more


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